What discharge during arousal is considered the norm, and which should be observed

Men, just like women, are very prone to diseases in the genital area, and therefore they also need to monitor their well-being carefully, paying special attention to defecation from the urethra at the time of sexual arousal. It is in this state that secrets begin to emerge from the penis, by the nature of which one can assess a man’s health. And the current release of arousal in men is natural, and the pathology of which signals, you will be able to find out now.

What is considered the norm?

A man is worried about the rate of discharge from the penis during arousal

To find out from where the discharge from the penis indicates the development of various diseases, you first need to know which ones are normal. And they:

  1. Urethrorrhea libidous. This is the name of a clear liquid without a specific odor, which occurs at the time of sexual arousal and serves as a lubricant. At the same time, transparent fluid from the penis is released in very small amounts and does not give discomfort to the man. The lubricating secretion contains some sperm, which is also easy to move and easily enters the partner’s vagina, as a result of which she can get pregnant. For this reason those who do not want to have children in the near future are advised to use condoms (only if the woman is not OK) from the beginning of intercourse, and not at the end of intercourse, as many do.
  2. Sperm. It has a mucus consistency and a white color, does not differ from a specific odor and begins to protrude from the urethra only when the peak of maximum arousal is reached. It contains the percentage of moving sperm and secretions produced by the sex glands. If this fluid enters a woman's vagina during ovulation (it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle), the chances of conceiving a child are 80 - 90%, even if a small amount of ejaculation is released at the end of intercourse. It should be noted that some men associate this phenomenon with pathology, but this is not the case. If other symptoms do not interfere, then this phenomenon is most often associated with physiological features of the body.
  3. Smegma. It is a secretion produced by the sex glands located near the head of the penis. It can have a yellowish or whitish color, and even emit an unpleasant odor. The accumulation of smegma in the glans penis area is not pathological, but indicates non -compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

All these secretions with strong sexual stimulation are the absolute norm. However, if they are accompanied by other symptoms (pain in the head of the penis or groin, itching, hyperemia, certain odors, etc. ), then this already indicates a deviation that requires an immediate visit to the doctor and examination.

Pathological discharge from the penis

As already mentioned, it is normal for men to experience mucus when they are aroused. But what if it contains blood stains or pus? Of course, don’t sit down and see a doctor as soon as possible. After all, the presence of undue impurities in the secretions secreted from the penis always speaks of the development of pathology.

And arguing why in men from the urethral canal there is a specific discharge, it should be noted the following pathologies are accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, the provocateurs of which are various pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • STD.
  • Complications of an inflammatory nature that occur after injury during a stroke or surgery.
Pain combined with a mixture of blood in the discharge during ejaculation is a sign of a serious illness in a man.

Most importantly the fear and apprehension for their health in men arises in a situation when they see the discharge of blood from the urethral canal during ejaculation. And the reason why blood flows from the penis is an oncological disease that often affects the prostate gland, testicles or spermatic cord. But in this case, there are other symptoms that characterize the disease:

  • Pain when urinating.
  • Urine staining is red.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Mucus clots can come out of the urethra (observed in the final stages of pathological development).

Important! Cancer is a dangerous disease that can be fatal. Therefore, there is no need to delay with its treatment. Often, its development in men occurs against the background of formed prostate adenomas, which do not respond to adequate treatment.

If the sticky transparent secretion, viscous consistency, emitting an unpleasant odor begins to stand out through the urethra, then this indicates the development of an infectious disease that is transmitted directly during sexual intercourse. Additional signs of their presence are itching, redness of the head of the penis and the appearance of a rash on it. Among the infectious diseases that affect the male genitourinary system, the most common are:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • syphilis.

With the development of the infectious process, the secretions released from the penis contain a large number of leukocytes, which makes it thick. Thus, in their composition, pus impurities can be observed, which already indicate a complicated disease path. If there is no pus, then this is not a reason to delay treatment, because such a disease can lead to the development of phimosis. This is a condition characterized by attachment of the foreskin to the glans penis, and can only be removed with surgery.

Other infectious diseases can also be the cause of pathological discharge from the urethral canal in men, with its development also need to immediately see a doctor. Among them is the defeat of the paired genitals (testes) or urethra by fungi, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Moreover, they may be bothered by itching in the perineum, swelling of the scrotum or glans of the penis and hyperemia.

Diseases such as:

  • balanoposthitis;
  • non -gonorrheal urethritis;
  • prostatorrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • spermatorrhoea.

With this pathology, blood secretions can also be released from the urethra of the penis, which is complemented by pain in the groin, head of the penis and scrotum. Often, with its development, weakness, increased body temperature, and difficulty urinating are observed.

What to do?

If a man, during sexual pleasure, notices the presence of discharge from the urethra from exudates that are not specific to him, you should immediately see a doctor who will help determine the exact cause of its occurrence. For this purpose, as a rule, a number of diagnostic measures are prescribed, which include:

  • Smear the urethra for bacterial culture.
  • Spermogram.
  • Examination by a proctologist.
  • General analysis of urine and blood.
  • Ultrasound of pelvic organs, etc.

Once the doctor determines the cause of the pathological discharge, he prescribes treatment that can reduce the manifestations of the disease and prevent the development of complications against its background.

If a man does not visit a doctor and does not undergo full treatment, then this can lead to the development of the disease and the occurrence of irreversible consequences that will affect not only the quality of sexual life, but also his health in general.

However, some diseases of the genitourinary sphere at the time of ejaculation provoke the opening of bleeding, which is why a man can suddenly die. And to avoid this, when pathological discharge appears, it is necessary to postpone sexual intercourse and be sure to see a doctor. Only in this way there will be an opportunity to avoid the emergence of serious complications and preserve the health of your man for many years.