Slightly less than half of the adult male population suffers from erectile dysfunction. Good potential has always been one of the most important criteria for assessing masculinity. If the older men had previously had potential problems, now the contingent is significantly younger.
Trying to find ways to regain masculine strength, many go to the pharmacy or remember folk remedies that have been tested for centuries and generations.

Folk remedies used to increase potency are products of natural origin: herbal decoctions and alcoholic infusions, which are easy to make and pleasant to drink. Sometimes, it turns out, common products-honey, nuts, fruits and vegetables-have magical properties to restore masculine strength.
Are folk remedies effective
The effectiveness of potency-enhancing folk remedies has been proven long ago. From time immemorial, they have been prepared by wise women for their men, passing on secret recipes from generation to generation.
The natural components - flowers and herbs, roots and berries - have a strong healing and restorative effect. On their basis, modern pharmaceutical companies provide expensive drugs.
The effect of folk recipes on potential
The principles of action of folk remedies used to increase potency are:
- normalization of psycho-emotional state;
- recovery of neurological status;
- stabilization of hormone levels;
- better blood circulation;
- stimulation of metabolic processes.
Notes! Folk remedies for potency have a therapeutic effect, provided that a few simple rules are followed, aimed primarily at eliminating negative factors, and forming useful habits of a healthy lifestyle.
When will folk remedies be most effective
Adhering to simple rules, it is possible to restore potency through traditional medicine without resorting to serious medical treatment.
The desired effect of treatment with folk methods will not make you wait if:
- give up the bad habit of smoking tobacco. Nicotine and tar contained in tobacco smoke have a negative effect on erectile function and the process of sperm formation;
- minimize or eliminate the use of alcohol, as its effects are detrimental to the genital area;
- every day, in the morning and evening, take hot and cold showers alternately, then rub the whole body with a soft towel to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels;
- avoid stressful situations;
- spend more time in nature, and walk barefoot more often.
Notes! There are biologically active points on the legs that are responsible for the functionality of the urogenital area. Walking on sand, gravel and grass is a good stimulus for them.
Popular recipes for increasing potency
Nature ensures that men receive all the nutrients needed for potential with food. And infusions made from herbs and medicinal plants increase masculine strength.
Honey with nuts
Three cups of peeled walnuts, crush in a mortar and add a glass of honey. Take a few tablespoons twice a day. If you do this regularly, the effects will appear within a week.

Bananas and kefir
Peel a banana and throw in a blender, pour kefir, mix. Delicious and healthy cocktails are allowed to be eaten every day, except the benefits will be nothing.
Drink 2 teaspoons before meals for 3-4 days, and then rest for 10 days. If there is no effect, repeat the treatment.
Boiled tomatoes
Cut two onions, add 6 ripe tomatoes, cut into cubes, a little chopped parsley, two carrots in slices, season with salt and pepper. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then add the crushed garlic, mix well, cool slightly and place on a plate.
Porridge made from dried berries and nuts
Mix dried prunes with figs, raisins and seeds. Grind and mix everything. Pour a little honey to taste. Take after meals. You can take 2 tablespoons as a dessert. Drink with any fermented milk product.
Coriander and parsley
Grind one teaspoon of parsley and coriander seeds into a powder and pour over two glasses of hot water. Cool and leave for 8 hours in the dark, Strain. A glass of soup - the daily dose - is divided into four doses. Drink 20 minutes before eating.
Ginger with honey
Pour 2/3 honey into a container with a volume of 800 g. Peeled and washed, cut the ginger root into cubes and add the honey. Cover and send to a cool, dark place for 14 days. When signs of fermentation appear, refrigerate. Take 1 tablespoon a day.

Colored ginseng root
Finely chop 20 grams of ginseng root and add a glass of incomplete rubbing alcohol. Insist a week in the dark. Twice a day, take 20 drops 25 minutes before meals.
Garlic colored
Open the head of garlic into cloves, peel and pour a quarter of a liter of white wine, bring to a boil and let simmer for half a minute. Cool, pour into a glass container, cover with a tight stopper (lid) and store in a dark cabinet.
Colored asparagus
Discard 5 asparagus berries in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave for 8 hours. Take one tablespoon three times a day.
Colored wort flowers St
Pour a tablespoon of inflorescences with a glass of hot water, and leave for an hour. After that, strain and drink the infusion before an intimate date. If you add a little cognac with honey into the St. John’s wort infusion. John, and treating her to a young woman, the effect of which was unforgettable. For a taste of piquancy, you can brew St. John’s wort flowers. John with the addition of mint.
A mixture of calamus roots
Grind fresh roots, take 10 g and add to half a glass of rubbing alcohol or vodka. Leave in the dark for 3 weeks. Strain. The resulting liquid can be stored in a cool place for 30 days. Take in the morning, before meals, 1 tsp.
Thyme colored
Brew any green tea, add some mint leaves and some thyme inflorescences to it. This drink is refreshing, invigorating and stimulates the potential perfectly.
Lungwort flowers
Pour 20 g of lungwort flowers with boiling water (1 cup) and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then strain and drink three times a day 25 minutes before eating. A full glass of soup is a daily dose. To be treated for 5 weeks. Lungwort is added to salads and soups. He is present organically there.
Fast-acting folk remedies
To increase the potential in the here and now, traditional medicine recommends:
- delicious real coffee. The main thing is not to get carried away so as not to get tachycardia;
- alcohol infusion of ginseng or eleutherococcus. On the first day, one drop per cup of water; on the second day, two. So increase with decrease, take 28 days. Significant effects are already possible at the beginning of the course.
- Bathe with a decoction of bay leaves and chamomile. Mix dried chamomile with bay leaves. Steam 50 grams of this mixture with three liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and pour into a bathtub with warm water. Take a pleasant procedure for half an hour at least every evening.
Contraindications and precautions
Treatment with folk remedies requires a serious approach. In order not to harm yourself, before using this or that drug, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications, and for this you need to know your state of health. It is better to visit a doctor and consult about the best methods of alternative treatment.
This is especially true for those who suffer from:
- various types of allergies;
- dizziness, insomnia, mental disorders;
- have a history of hypertension, kidney disease and gastric ulcer;
- any type of cardiac dysfunction.
Notes! Ignoring contraindications can lead to serious complications. It is important to understand that honey, herbs, flowers and roots, despite their availability and low price, can have a strong effect on the body.